Time For a Rethink
I recently started ramping down my anti-depression and anxiety medication that I take for my PTS linked issues. I didn’t make this mental health decision lightly. You see, based on my doctor’s recommendation, I tried to ramp down before. I wasn’t successful. My mood swings were too erratic and unpredictable. After the failed attempt, I decided to stay on the medication until I ended my Active Duty military career. I figured the natural stress relief created by retirement would greatly assist efforts to balance my moods more naturally.
However, a few recent experiences persuaded me to reconsider that decision. The first is a continuing deterioration of my physical health. The cascading effects that issue has created, and my attempts to manage the pain, built a desire to end all but the most benign medications. My psychotropic medication is anything but benign. While it definitely evens my temperament and smooths my erratic behavior, the side effects are numerous. This includes interruptions of my sleep cycle, weight gain, and a heightened tendency to sweat and dehydrate. Continue reading