Trade War Part Quatre: 3-to-9 Year Investment Mitigation Strategies

Last Call

This is the last article in my Trump Trade War series. In it, I address investment strategies to mitigate what I perceive as the worst potential effects of the Trump Trade War for investors on a three to nine-year investment horizon. This is by far the hardest time period for which to devise investment strategies due to the uncertainty surrounding the next potential recession and Bear Market. However, I felt I owed it to my readers who’ve stuck with this series thus far, and to those who also find themselves within this investing window. Continue reading

Trade War Part Trois: Two and Ten-Year Investment Mitigation Strategies

Trump Trade War Investment Mitigation Strategies

No trademark long-winded Grumpus Maximus preamble for this article. However, since this is part three in a series about the Trump Trade War’s potential impact on your bottom line; I suggest you read parts one and two prior to reading this. You’ll need the context from the previous two articles for this post to make sense. In the second article, specifically, I explained Risk, Risk Tolerance, and Risk Capacity. I also laid out my investment philosophy. As you’ll see in the next few articles, I refer to Risk and my investment philosophy continuously.

Assuming everyone is up to speed, I suppose it’s time to talk Trump Trade War Investment Mitigation Strategies (T-TWIMS), right? Hang on while I run out and register the trademark on T-TWIMS … OK, I’m back! I’ll assume that’s a “yes” since you’re still reading. Well then, what’s your investing timeline or time horizon? In other words, when will you need the money? Continue reading