The Pension Series (Part 16): VA Disability

Friendship Is Rare

Does anyone have a friend that dates back to first grade? I don’t mean an acquaintance either. I mean someone that’s been there almost your entire life through thick and thin. Someone who is more like a brother or a sister than a friend. I’m happy to report that I got one. I’m also happy to report that he decided to write an article for my blog!

Now, I believe it’s good etiquette that people who host blogs introduce anyone who writes a guest post. In fact, that’s what Darrow Kirkpatrick did for me when I wrote Part 8 of the Pension Series for his blog. However, in this case, my friend interwove his story into the blog post. So instead of a long-winded introduction, I’ll simply say:

Here’s a great post on the tax benefits of VA disability from a best friend of mine that I’ve known since 1982!

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