Track Your Money (Part 2): YNAB

Remember how I said Grumpus Brotherus had used You Need A Budget (YNAB) for years?  Well, when I asked him to write a paragraph for my Track Your Money post, he sent an entire post’s worth of information back.  Instead of editing the material down to a paragraph to fit my article, I decided to give him his own post.  I present you here the first guest author for the Grumpus Maximus blog!  Now I must warn you that Grumpus Brotherus is a nerd … I mean N-E-R-D.   Which is ok these days since the nerds will apparently inherit the Earth.  But at points within the article, he does geeks out on software

I can’t believe Brother Grumpus does this since ..

interface and whatnot.   It is hard to believe he flies in fighter jets for a living.  Although I guess jets are more software than hardware these days, so maybe it makes sense.  In any case, I edited a little to de-nerd it for us ‘laypeople’, but otherwise all the themes are his own; completely unprompted by me …. you will see what I mean.  Enjoy.  — Grumpus Maximus Continue reading