The Pension Series (Part 9): Pensions and U.S. Federal Taxes

***This is an updated article. See Post Script at the bottom***

Today’s topic comes from one of my Facebook group followers.  I recently solicited my Golden Albatross group on subjects to research and write about, and Mr. Yankee responded with the following question:

Has there been discussion of how to shelter your pension benefits from federal tax? When I retire I expect to receive about $60,000 a year from my pension I’d hate to give a large portion of it back to the government.

I told Mr. Yankee I would look into it since I’d yet to conduct an in-depth analysis of pensions and taxes. It’s a bit premature considering the fact that U.S. tax law is undergoing its first major overhaul since the 1980s. Currently, the House and the Senate are working on reconciling their two different bills into one in order to approve and send to the President for signature. However, my research only shows one proposal in the House bill with the potential to impact this conversation in any meaningful way, and I believe I can address it appropriately. If something radical happens in the reconciliation process, I will simply update this article when the dust settles. Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 1): Pension Safety

The Grumpy Labourski

I just realized the serendipitous nature of the topic I chose for this Labor Day weekend’s post, which is pension safety.  Of course, for my one international reader, I refer to U.S. Labor Day.  Don’t confuse it with the rest of the world’s International Worker’s (Labour) Day, otherwise known as May Day.  The U.S. celebrates its laboring workers in September due to May Day’s association with the Haymarket Affair and the Communist Party.  There’s no way this Cold War kid would celebrate some Commie Red version of Labor Day.  Of course, now I feel torn between shouting either “WOLVERINES!” or “YeehaaAAAWWW!” in homage to one of the two greatest Cold War movies of all time.  I’ll let you decide which one is laced with more irony. (Grumpus Maximus is an Amazon Associate, see Disclosures for more details.)

Seriously Dude, Wolverines!

Jokes aside, this article marks the start of a new series of posts centered on pensions.  My choice of Labor Day weekend to begin this series, while fitting, was coincidental.  In all honesty, I don’t plan that far in advance.  I decided to write about pensions because I noticed that the blog’s kind of light on pension discussions.  That’s not good for a blog “Where Financial Independence (FI) and Pensions Meet to Create a Better Retired Life”.  Thus, I felt it was time to rectify that oversight. Continue reading