A Much-Needed Overhaul
Not every blog post I publish stands the test of time. While I always aim to produce “evergreen” articles, meaning they stand on their merits regardless of age, I don’t always succeed. My original pension subsidized healthcare post was a great example of this shortcoming.
When I published the article, the US’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, appeared on its way to the scrap heap due to domestic US politics. This made estimating the value of healthcare attached to a US-defined benefit (DB) pension even tougher. It also led me to rant about how overly complex and unfair the system was for those going through their Golden Albatross decision. As a result, I concluded that it was an invaluable benefit for those lucky enough to have healthcare attached to their pension, especially if they intended to retire before Medicare eligibility at age 65. Therefore, it should weigh heavily in their Golden Albatross decision.
That was it. I didn’t develop any complex formulas or provide helpful suggestions on accomplishing the seemingly impossible. Nor did I provide many links to others who had tried. So much for value-added, huh?