The Pension Series (Part 1): Pension Safety

The Grumpy Labourski I just realized the serendipitous nature of the topic I chose for this Labor Day weekend’s post, which is pension safety.  Of course, for my one international reader, I refer to U.S. Labor Day.  Don’t confuse it … Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 22): Analyzing Public Pension Plan Safety

How Safe Is My Pension? Pension plan safety is one of the most popular and relevant topics among the potential pensioners who read my blog. It’s popular because much like Social Security, chronic underfunding of certain types of pensions receives … Continue reading

Put Your (Pension) Money Where Your (House) Mouth Is

Permanence and Pension Money Greetings, long-lost readers! It’s been over a year since I published my last post about my return to work to qualify for a New Zealand residence visa. A lot happened over that time, so much so … Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 30): Pension Maximization

Pension maximization ensures your pension’s positive impact in retirement is as significant as possible. You maximize your pension by taking active steps during your pensionable career. Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 6): Valuing Pension Subsidized Healthcare (Updated)

I’m not afraid to say while updating this article, my thinking evolved on the importance a pensionable worker should place on their pension subsidized healthcare. It’s no longer the all-important monolith I once thought. Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 29): The Golden Albatross vs. Women’s Pensions

I realize that the Golden Albatross situation for pensionable women calls for more nuance. I say that because many of the additional factors women need to consider work against each other. Continue reading

The Pension Couch: A Lump-Sum Offer Mystery

The wild card that makes this article different from my other lump-sum articles is that her lump-sum offer was from what’s known as a church pension plan (aka church plan). Continue reading

The Pension Couch: Pension Roll-Over Questions

Most of the questions were life planning questions disguised as “run the numbers” questions. And, I was OK with that. Continue reading

The Pension Couch: Pension Buyback or Freedom Buyback?

How much would you pay to get five work-free years back in your life? Continue reading