The Pension Couch: A Lump-Sum Offer Mystery

As the title of this Pension Couch post suggests, I help solve the mystery behind a lump-sum offer for a reader. I decided to code-name that reader Charleston because I have relatives who live in South Carolina. As with all Pension Couch posts, most of this article is made up of my lightly edited email to Charleston. In that email, I analyzed her two options: either take the lump sum or stick with the pension annuity. The wild card that makes this article different from my other lump-sum articles is that her lump-sum offer was from what’s known as a church pension plan (aka church plan).

I’ve never written about a lump-sum offer from a church plan. Actually, I’ve never written about church pension plans full-stop. Moreover, while I discuss them in this article, I don’t go too deep. I’ve made a note to write a post on church plans for the Pension Series in the future, though, because they’re an important topic. In the meantime, all you need to know is church plans don’t have to abide by the US’s Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). For those of you unfamiliar with ERISA, it is the “federal law that sets minimum standards for most … retirement and health plans in private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans.

Since church plans in the US don’t have to follow the federal minimum standards, their inner workings are somewhat opaque. This opacity can create some severe pension safety concerns for plan members. Moreover, it also turns out the lax rules governing church plans impact how these plans can calculate lump-sum offers. Therefore, the mystery in this story isn’t a “who’s done it?” but a “how was it done?” Continue reading