The Golden Albatross vs. Kiwi Arbitrage

Interested in moving to New Zealand, the land of Kiwis? Grumpus Maximus discusses how he and his family determined if “Kiwi Arbitrage” was affordable. Continue reading

The Complicated Financial Life of a US to NZ Expat

I recently gathered the information needed to file my New Zealand taxes. This was a multi-week task that required downloading documents from family financial accounts spanning three different continents. It was as exciting as it sounds, and if it were … Continue reading

Put Your (Pension) Money Where Your (House) Mouth Is

Permanence and Pension Money Greetings, long-lost readers! It’s been over a year since I published my last post about my return to work to qualify for a New Zealand residence visa. A lot happened over that time, so much so … Continue reading

FIRE in New Zealand: One Thing a Pension Cannot Buy

I’m mourning the death of my defined benefit pension-enabled Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) in New Zealand lifestyle. Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 31): Grumpus Maximization

Pension Maximization Part Deux This post is a direct continuation of Pension Series Part 30. In that article, I introduced my general framework for maximizing your defined benefit (DB) pension, which I call Grumpus Maximization. I also walked through the … Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 30): Pension Maximization

Pension maximization ensures your pension’s positive impact in retirement is as significant as possible. You maximize your pension by taking active steps during your pensionable career. Continue reading

The Pension Series (Part 22): Analyzing Public Pension Plan Safety

How Safe Is My Pension? Pension plan safety is one of the most popular and relevant topics among the potential pensioners who read my blog. It’s popular because much like Social Security, chronic underfunding of certain types of pensions receives … Continue reading