“The Golden Albatross” Book — End of Chapter Resources: Chapter 4

Chapter Four Refresh

Welcome to the “End of Chapter Resource Page” for Chapter Four of The Golden Albatross book. As a refresher, in the fourth chapter, I provided tips for gutting it out at a pensionable job. However, I didn’t simply throw them out there and say “take them or leave them.” No, I provided some context. I specifically pointed out that people’s job satisfaction slumps in their mid-40s to mid-50s, only to rebound after 55 and beyond. The job satisfaction slump parallels a similar slump and rebound effect connected to overall happiness with life.

Thus, I proposed that before going through the potentially complicated Golden Albatross decision-making process, that maybe you engage a few of my recommended coping mechanisms first. It’s my hope, that by doing so, you will solve your job dissatisfaction without the mental anguish often associated with walking away from a pension. If nothing else you may identify that you’re in the slump. If that’s the case, check out the Career Dissatisfaction links below. I highly recommend the Designing Your Life link, and more specifically the book of the same title.

Career Dissatisfaction Resources
Write That Shit Down!

Yes, I’m a big believer in General George S. Patton’s (pictured above) school of communication. When I want people to remember what I say, I say it to them dirty so it sticks. Sometimes I use that philosophy on my blog too, which means I want you to remember what I’m about to say!

I wasn’t making that shit up in Chapter Four on the power of the written word. There’s science behind it, and if you don’t believe me, I linked to several articles about it below. As a result, if you haven’t already done so, you need to write out a financial plan. Not only for retirement but for the time between now and retirement.

If you don’t know where to start, then you’re in luck (and obviously didn’t click on all the links from the last chapter’s resources page). I re-linked two of my articles on how to write a financial plan below. Also below, I linked to an article that covers four Golden Albatross financial lessons I learned from counseling three separate military families at various stages of their careers. Spoiler alert, one of the lessons learned is that there’s power in writing out your financial plan!

The Importance of Writing Down Your Goals
Grumpus Maximus’s Articles on Writing a Retirement Plan
Four Golden Albatross Financial Lessons Learned
Fritz Gilbert’s The Retirement Manifesto Blog

Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t re-plug Fritz Gilbert’s excellent blog called The Retirement Manifesto. He’s placed numerous retirement planning resources on the blog, too include articles on how to cope at your job during your final years at work. If you haven’t already, you should also check out his Mini-Retirement article, which I referenced in Chapter Four, and linked below.

Book Visuals for Audiobook Listeners

GM’s interpretation of happiness data (aka Creepy Clown Smile)