The Pension Series (Part 27): The Golden Albatross Pension Survey

Would You Like To Take A Pension Survey?

I loved the Animaniacs cartoon when I was a teenager, especially one episode called “Survey Ladies.” In it, two ladies run around a shopping mall hounding the Animaniacs screaming, “would you like to take a survey?” and asking crazy questions like, “would you eat beans with George Wendt?” For those of you who don’t know, George Wendt was Norm in the sitcom Cheers.

That’s how I felt in March 2021 as I administered a pension survey to US-based pensionable workers and retirees from several personal finance Facebook groups and my blog’s email distribution list. I ran around (virtually) trying to convince pensionable workers and retirees to take my survey and answer many seemingly crazy pension-related questions. Sadly, I couldn’t figure out a way to work George Wendt or beans into it. Continue reading