The Death Binder!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. — Winston Churchill

Death Binder

Death and Binders

I did something different this week for work. I deployed to a foreign country for a military exercise. I’m writing this post from that country as a matter of fact. It’s the first time since my Afghanistan tour in 2013 that I’ve deployed abroad with all my gear. It’s also the first time since my financial awakening that I’ve deployed. Granted, I traveled multiple times on official orders since Afghanistan and was also stationed overseas for multiple years. However, except for our Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move from Europe to Hawaii, I consider my travel comparable to business trips. There’s something different about packing up all your combat gear that sharpens the mind. As a result, while not a tour to a combat zone, I used this military exercise as an excuse to build my “Death Binder”.

Just for the record, Mrs. Grumpus hates the term, Death Binder. In fact, she won’t let me call it the Death Binder in the house. Instead, we call it the “Financial Binder” or “Financial Folder”. However, I call it the Death Binder when she’s not around. I do that partly because of my love of heavy metal. There’s something about the term Death Binder that makes me want to throw the devil sign up in the air and bang my head while shouting “DEATH BINDER” in my loudest metal voice.

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Four Golden Albatross Financial Lessons

A Message to Future You

financial lessons

Four Golden Albatrosses take flight

If you’re reading my articles in chronological order, either in real time or at some undetermined time in the future, you’ll know that my two preceding articles were counter-points to other people’s financial ideas. As much fun as I had writing articles that used macroeconomics to argue against other people’s theories; doing so courts a certain amount of negativity. Granted, the counter-points needed to be made, and I believe I kept the articles congenial, lighthearted, and fact-based. However, at the end of the day, I still argued against someone’s work as opposed to building my own. As a result, I hit the pause button on the Risk Series this week, in order to focus on a more positive message.

Ironically, despite my online negativity I’ve actually been doing some positive stuff in the real world — which just might be the understatement of a lifetime in regards to the internet. Over the past three weeks, I counseled three different military members and/or their spouses on financial issues. Two of those counseling sessions took place face-to-face; while the third took place via email. All of them proved a great experience … for me at least. I learn a lot about myself and other people every time I counsel someone. Whereas I felt like a reluctant financial voyeur during my first counseling session; I actually enjoy them now. Continue reading

The Golden Albatross Vs. Risk (Part 2): Emergency Fund Debate Club, Round 1

Debate Club

Pop quiz. What’s the first rule of Debate Club?

Surprisingly, it’s not “do not TALK about DEBATE CLUB!”.

It turns out the first rule of Debate Club is “read all your preparatory material”. Or at least that’s what I presume it is. I based that presumption on memories of my high-school Debate Club friends who spent their free-study hours furiously highlighting reams of printed journal articles they’d found on microfiche in the school library. Yes, I realize I’m dating myself with the microfiche reference.

I know what you’re thinking, and I agree — the Fight Club reference sounds way cooler. Then again, what do I know? I spent the majority of my time in high school cutting weight for the real fight club (the wrestling team). Which, by the way, no one ever talked about … probably because no one ever attended high school wrestling matches (other than parents). While my choice of extracurricular activities may have prepared me well for the lonely life of a blogger with three devoted readers, it probably didn’t prepare me well for a debate on investing the Emergency Fund (EF) against some of the heavy hitters in the Financial Independence (FI) community. Continue reading